Ratification of the International Labour Organisation’s Collective Bargaining Convention 2010-07-04 09:30:00 Dmitry Medvedev signed a law ratifying the International Labour Organisation’s Collective Bargaining Convention (Convention 154). The federal law ratifies the Collective Bargaining Convention (Convention 154), aimed at facilitating free and voluntary collective bargaining. The convention was adopted at the 67th session of the International Labour Organisation’s General Conference in Geneva on June 19, 1981, and came into force on August 11, 1983. Under the convention’s terms, “collective bargaining” is defined as all talks between employers and employers’ groups or organisations on one side, and workers on the other, on agreeing employment conditions and regulating labour relations. The Convention’s terms are in keeping with the provisions of Russia’s Labour Code, thus making it possible for the parties in labour relations to apply the Code’s provisions during collective bargaining. Analysis has shown that Russian legislation related to collective bargaining fully corresponds to the norms and regulations set out in the Convention.