Meeting with the Defence Ministry leadership, representatives of the military-industrial complex and missile system developers 2024-11-22 19:50:00 The Kremlin, Moscow The President held a meeting with the Defence Ministry leadership, representatives of the military-industrial complex and missile system developers. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends and colleagues, You know that yesterday I informed the Armed Forces personnel, the citizens of Russia, our allies around the world as well as those who are trying to blackmail us by force, about Russia’s newest medium-range missile system. This is our, your system, which you have named Oreshnik, a ballistic missile with a non-nuclear hypersonic capability. As we all know based on the objective control data, the test was a success. I congratulate you on this. And, as I have already said, we will continue these tests, including in combat conditions, depending on the situation and the nature of the security threats posed to Russia. All the more so as we have a stockpile of such products, a reserve of such systems ready for use. I asked to convene this meeting today with almost a single purpose in mind which is to thank you and the developers of the Oreshnik system, as well as all the research, production, and labour teams involved in creating it for the results of your work. This includes the entire cooperative network which encompasses designers, researchers, engineers, and workers who developed hypersonic technologies, analysed the ballistics, and mastered the production of cutting-edge materials, control systems, microelectronics, and much more. Your achievements and the short time it took you to develop this new system inspire pride and admiration. They convincingly show that the domestic school of rocket engineering possesses tremendous potential and is capable of addressing the most complex tasks to ensure Russia’s security and sovereignty. In this context, importantly, the Oreshnik system is not an upgrade of old Soviet-era systems, even though we are all originally from the Soviet systems, and we were all raised on the accomplishments of previous generations and, to a certain degree, we built on their achievements. However, this system is, in fact, the result of your work that was done in modern Russia, new Russia. The system relies entirely on contemporary cutting-edge innovations. I must say that in today’s circumstances, when we face new and mounting threats and challenges, the development of such weapons systems holds special, one might even say vital, importance for our country. Once again, I want to underscore the fact that the fulfillment of the assignments as part of the special military operation and the future of Russia depend, primarily, on our soldiers and officers, on the courage of assault troops and artillerymen, tank crews and paratroopers, sappers, pilots, drone operators, and naval infantry, as well as the coordinated efforts of all branches of the armed forces. Our units on the front line are operating successfully, competently, bravely, and professionally. They are gaining combat experience and increasing their offensive capabilities every single day. To reiterate, the successful fulfillment of assignments of the special military operation depends primarily on the professionalism, courage, and heroism of our soldiers and officers. At the same time, it is crucial for both frontline troops and, more broadly, our citizens to know that we possess a vast technological base and a solid industrial and research foundation for ensuring our security. The weapon system tested yesterday serves as yet another reliable guarantor of Russia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. No one else in the world has such weapons yet, as we and you know. Indeed, sooner or later other leading countries will have them, we know what kind of designs are being worked on there. However, it will be tomorrow, or in a year or two. Meanwhile, we have this system today. And this is essential. I would like to emphasise one more aspect here. The Oreshnik missile system is not just an effective hypersonic weapon. Due to its striking power, especially when used en masse and in combination with other long-range precision systems that Russia also has, using it against enemy targets will be comparable in effect and power to using strategic weapons. Although in fact the Oreshnik system is not a strategic weapon; in any case, it is not an intercontinental ballistic missile and it is not a means of mass destruction, also because it is a high-precision weapon. At the same time, as I have already mentioned, there are no means of countering such a missile; no means of intercepting it exist in the world today. And I will emphasise once again: we will continue to test the latest system. We need to launch its serial production. Let us assume that the decision on the serial production of this system has been made. As a matter of fact, it has already been essentially organised. Given the particular strength of this weapon, its power, it will be put into service with the Strategic Missile Forces. It is also important that along with the Oreshnik system, several similar systems are currently being tested in Russia. Based on the test results, these weapons will also go into production. In other words, we have a whole line of medium- and shorter-range systems. The current military and political situation in the world is largely determined by the results of competition in the creation of new technologies, new weapons systems and economic development. But, as I have repeatedly said, people is our greatest asset, the courage of those who fight at the front, the talent and stamina of those who work at factories and design bureaus, scientific centres and enterprises in all sectors of the economy. And we are certainly proud of such people. Given such people, all the tasks of the special military operation, as I said, will definitely be solved and Russia’s security will be reliably ensured. I would like to once again thank you and your colleagues for your hard, important and productive work, for the high results achieved, for your contribution to strengthening the security and defence capability of our nation, to the defence of our Motherland in the broadest sense of the word. And I would like to say that the creators of the Oreshnik missile system, those who designed and organised the production of the latest complex, will certainly be decorated with state awards. First Deputy Chair of the Military-Industry Commission Vasily Tonkoshkurov, please, take the floor. First Deputy Chair of the Military-Industry Commission of Russia Vasily Tonkoshkurov: Thank you. Esteemed Mr President, The system was indeed developed in the shortest possible time and is entirely based on Russian technologies. Import substitution issues have been resolved. The defence industry enterprises’ research, development and production base makes it possible to launch a serial production of this type of weapon as quickly as possible. Mr President, I would like to note that the groundwork done by the defence industry R&D and production enterprises to create up-to-date and new samples of weapons, as well as military and special equipment, have made it possible to develop modern weapons, supply them promptly to the troops, and also promptly consider adjustments and improvements to the weapons, military and special equipment used in conditions of the special military operation, as well as develop new models and deliver them to the troops. Hence, new equipment and the use of weapons can quickly be mastered to be used directly during the combat. Today, a large investment programme is being implemented to beef up defence industry production capacity, which will allow to significantly increase the production of particularly popular types of weapons and equipment. The current pace of weapons production and supply will help reach the level of over 95 percent in terms of equipping strategic nuclear forces with modern types of weapons and special equipment, and of over 82 percent for the Aerospace Forces. I would like to note that today defence industry enterprises are taking all measures to ensure that the tasks of the group of forces in the area of the special military operation are fulfilled. The report is over. Vladimir Putin: Thank you. Welcome, Mr Borisov. Director General of the Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities Yury Borisov: Mr Putin, I report to you that the missile and space industry enterprises involved in the development and production of military missile equipment are fulfilling all obligations under the state defence order in due time and without any complaints. The design, technological, production, and, most importantly, personnel potential enables us to create products with unique characteristics, as you have already noted, unparalleled in the world. As for the production capacity, the practice has shown that we are able to multiply the output of the most in-demand weapons within the shortest time, especially when it comes to high-precision class weapons. If need be, we can increase production, we do have the reserves. Vladimir Putin: Thank you. Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces. Please, Mr Karakayev. Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakayev: Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief, I would like to note that, based on your decision from July 2023, the Russian industrial cooperative network has developed a mobile ground-based medium-range missile complex as part of Oreshnik R&D programme. On November 21, 2024, under combat conditions, tests of the latest medium-range ballistic missile equipped with hypersonic non-nuclear warheads were conducted. As a result of the launch, a strategic target on the territory of Ukraine was hit. The launch was successful, and the mission assignments were fulfilled. The results of the launch confirmed the correctness of the design, engineering, and technological solutions embedded in the project, as well as the feasibility of the missile complex with the specifications in question. The advanced medium-range missile complex Oreshnik is unmatched in terms of its capabilities. The missile’s combat equipment guarantees overcoming all existing and future missile defence systems. The complex is equipped with hypersonic warheads and can effectively strike a wide range of targets ranging from standalone to wide-area targets, including highly fortified ones. Given the weapon’s designated tasks and range, it can hit targets across Europe, offering significant advantages over other types of long-range precision weapons. As you earlier noted, the mass use of this weapon would be comparable to the use of nuclear weapons. The Oreshnik missile complex will enhance the Strategic Missile Forces’ combat capabilities to engage various target types in accordance with assignments, both in non-nuclear and nuclear configurations. The high operational readiness of the complex enables rapid retargeting to any designated objective and ensures its destruction. Considering the positive results of this launch, it seems reasonable to adopt the complex into service, continue its deployment, improve its capabilities, and to refine the operational skills of personnel when using and maintaining it. That concludes my report. Vladimir Putin: We will do just that. Thank you. <…>