Reception hosted by Chairman of State Affairs of the DPRK in honour of the President of Russia 2024-06-19 16:00:00 Pyongyang Vladimir Putin attended a reception hosted on behalf of the Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Chairman of State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong-un (retranslated): President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, Russian comrades, friends, First of all, let me warmly welcome comrade President Putin and all our Russian friends on their visit to Pyongyang, the capital of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, like a visit 24 years ago, at the beginning of the new millennium, and also express deep respect and send warm fraternal greetings to the government and people of Russia on behalf of the government and people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is true that we are brimming over with feelings of boundless inspiration from the fact that we all have gathered together at a gala reception in honour of the most honoured guest of the Korean people on the day of the great event when the most powerful and comprehensive new interstate treaty in the history of Russian-Korean friendship was signed. There is no doubt that the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, as a major ambitious programme that allows developing and reliably guaranteeing Korean-Russian allied relations for a hundred-year term, fully contributes to maintaining peace and stability in the region, building strong states and the common interests of the DPRK and Russia, as well as putting the two countries’ security environment on a more reliable foundation. The current important steps made to enhance Korean-Russian relations are a glorious result, achieved entirely thanks to the determination, efforts, and deep attention of Comrade President Putin. I would like to use this occasion to once again express my gratitude to President Putin for his clear practical actions that showed his will to write new pages in Korean-Russian relations and guarantee the eternal well-being and future of the two nations for a hundred years to come. It is a great pride and honour for us to have Russia as a strategic partner and ally. The position of the DPRK Government remains unwavering to fully and closely support and stand together with the Russian Federation in all spheres, thereby perpetuating the unbreakable relations of the Korean-Russian friendship in line with the new interstate treaty. Comrade President of the Russian Federation Putin, I wish you and the Russian people everlasting success, prosperity, and peace. In conclusion, let me propose at toast to Comrade President Vladimir Putin’s robust health and to eternal prosperity for strong Russia, our friendly neighbour, and also to the perpetuity of the unfailing friendly relations between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation, the relations which the world will envy. To the health of all comrades present! President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade Chairman, Friends, Allow me to once again heartily thank you, Comrade Kim Jong-un, and all our Korean friends for the invitation to pay a state visit to your wonderful and hospitable country. All of us are deeply touched by the cordial reception extended to our delegation. Today’s talks proceeded in a traditionally trust-based and friendly atmosphere and reaffirmed our mutual interest in further promoting equal and mutually beneficial cooperation. This year Russia and the DPRK marked an important date in the history of our two countries’ relations – the 75th anniversary of the Interstate Agreement on Economic and Cultural Cooperation. It was signed on March 17, 1949, during a visit to Moscow by the founder of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Comrade Kim Il Sung and became the first international treaty concluded by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea after it gained independence. And now, amid the difficult global situation, we continue to strengthen the bonds of comradeship, fraternal support and neighbourliness, building on the glorious traditions established by previous generations. We are actively cooperating in the international arena to promote peace, stability and prosperity in our common region and the entire world. We are thankful to the leadership and people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for their balanced position on the Ukraine situation. At present, we are combatting together the hegemonism and colonial practices of the United States and its satellites and are resisting attempts to impose alien development models and values on us. Russia and Korea have a similar proverb, it goes as follows: a close neighbour is better than a remote relative. I think that this folk wisdom fully reflects the nature of our countries’ relations. And special thanks for today’s concert. Thank you very much! I propose a toast to further strengthening friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. To the well-being and prosperity of the peoples of our countries. To the health of the Chairman of State Affairs Comrade Kim Jong-un, and all Korean friends present!