Meeting with Yury Slyusar 2024-11-04 20:55:00 The Kremlin, Moscow Vladimir Putin had a meeting with Yury Slyusar, who was appointed Acting Governor of the Rostov Region by a Presidential Executive Order. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Slyusar, we have been acquainted for a considerable period, and I can assert with utmost confidence that you have significantly contributed to the advancement of aviation and the aircraft industry as a whole. There is a proposal to broaden your scope of responsibilities and to engage at a different level within Rostov and the Rostov Region. Are you aware of this proposal, and what are your thoughts on it? Yury Slyusar: Mr President, I am deeply grateful for your trust. This presents an opportunity for me to return to Rostov-on-Don, my hometown, and to assume leadership of the region during these challenging times. Rostov is among Russia’s largest constituent entities, possessing substantial industrial and agricultural potential. As the adage goes, Rostov is the gateway to the Caucasus; however, it has now undoubtedly become the gateway to new territories, accommodating millions of our new compatriots. This, I believe, positions Rostov as a hub, an infrastructural centre for the emerging macro-region. This situation presents not only a challenge but also an opportunity and motivation for the region's development. In general, Mr President, throughout nearly a decade that I led the corporation, you consistently supported our aircraft programmes, encompassing military, civil, and transport sectors. Aviation is a strategic industry, vital for the economy and security of the state. I sincerely hope that in my new capacity as the head of a strategically significant region, I can continue to rely on your assistance and support, the backing of the region's populace, and endorsement for our current and prospective projects. Thank you very much for this proposal. I shall endeavour not to disappoint you. Vladimir Putin: Mr Slyusar, it is evident that you are well-versed in the situation there. Rostov is your hometown, which is entirely understandable. Nonetheless, you have been involved specifically in production, overcoming very complex challenges, and you have done so successfully. However, you must delve into the economic operations of the region. The region is indeed significant for Russia, and its importance has increased manifold due to the circumstances you have just highlighted. Therefore, I request that you commence immediately by immersing yourself in the region's living environment and identifying the most crucial and fundamental issues. We will convene after a period you deem necessary to take your initial steps and assess the situation, and we will discuss it in greater detail. Of course, we will stay in contact, as we did in your previous role. I will endeavour to provide every possible support to you. Yury Slyusar: Thank you very much, Mr President. Vladimir Putin: However, the paramount aspect is for the people to witness your energy, your desire to work for the benefit of Rostov’s residents, and to believe in this genuine aspiration to improve the situation for the better. There are already commendable positions there, with much to pursue, rather than merely initiating anew. I hold great hope in your professionalism and your positive commitment to achieving results. Yury Slyusar: Thank you once again for your trust. It is a great honour for me. I will exert my utmost efforts. Vladimir Putin: Very well. <…>