Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation concern, among other things, taxation, introduction of an electronic veterinary certification system in Russia, enhancing liability for the production and sale of counterfeit products, and budget subsidies to cover the costs of agricultural producers and agro-industrial organisations related to paying interest on investment loans.
The Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Agriculture were instructed to make proposals on amendments to the list of tariff concessions regarding the import of meat and meat products introduced upon Russia’s accession to the WTO, in order to enhance the protection of the Russian market and raise the efficiency of customs and tariff regulation for meat imports.
The Federal Customs Service and the Federal Service for Monitoring Agriculture were instructed to take additional measures to identify and curtail illegal movement of agricultural produce, including meat and meat products, across the Russian border.
The Ministry of Agriculture was instructed to consider the programme for developing the dairy industry through to 2030 drafted by the National Dairy Producers’ Union and to make proposals regarding its implementation.
Instructions to the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment deal with the reclamation of agricultural lands.