Instructions to the Russian Government concern, in particular, additional work on the draft Federal Law On Financial Commissioner for the Rights of Consumers of Financial Organisations’ Services, transition to electronic bidding when privatising state or municipal property, and increased oversight of implementing measures part of the federal targeted programme Developing Domestic and Inbound Tourism in Russia (2011–2018).
The Government has also been instructed to present proposals for amending Russian legislation on public monitoring and taking into account public opinion when developing and approving local programmes for the treatment of production and consumption waste, including solid household waste; on the state forestry supervisory services’ work, state oversight of the use and protection of water resources and facilities, state oversight of the protection, reproduction and use of animal life and their habitats, and several other matters.
Instructions to the Government and the regional authorities concern the criteria for independent evaluation of quality of services organisations provide in culture, social services, public health protection, and education; demarcating the boundaries of forests located on land belonging to populated localities and their inclusion in forest belts and park zones; and protecting the health of students at general education establishments.
Separate instructions were given to the Government together with the Central Bank, Prosecutor General’s Office and the Accounts Chamber.