The Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to ensure the establishment, operation and financial support for national biological resource centres under the Federal Science and Technology Programme for the Development of Genetic Technology in 2019–2027; to ensure the development of domestically-manufactured laboratory and research equipment for world standard research of genetic technology, and production of related expendable materials; to ensure the development of educational courses and subjects in genetics at general education institutions and children's additional education organisations.
The Government, with the participation of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, has been instructed to ensure the establishment and operation of the National Genetic Information Database research and information system for genetic data storage and processing, including the development of formats for data storage and transmission, as well as related search engines and software applications.
Instructions to the Government, with the participation of the Council to Implement the Federal Science and Technology Programme for the Development of Genetic Technology in 2019–2027, concern compiling a list of major knowledge and skills in genetic technology, making forecasts of demands for related scientific, research and educational personnel until 2030, and introducing amendments related to creating new COVID-19 diagnostic methods and tools in the programmes for setting up and developing global standard centres for genomic research, and creating vaccines to prevent the coronavirus infection and medications to treat it.