The Government of the Russian Federation has been instructed to extend by two months federal bonuses for special working conditions to medical, social and other workers in connection with the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), and also to allocate budget funds for their annual paid holidays with due account for these federal bonuses.
The Government has been instructed to ensure the implementation of measures aimed at restoring employment (to the level of 2019) by the fourth quarter of 2021; to submit proposals on creating instruments for long-term funding of the development of the transport, network and other infrastructure in the regions of the Russian Federation; and to ensure an increase in effective spending on healthcare and education during the drafting of the federal budget for 2021 and the planned period of 2022 and 2023.
Instructions to the Government concern collateral on the loans granted to organisations and individual entrepreneurs that were hit hardest by the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and socially oriented non-profit organisations for immediate needs to support and preserve employment and resume activities, and also for additional financial aid aimed at balancing the regional budgets.
In addition, the Government has been instructed to ensure the introduction of legislative amendments on benefits for IT organisations and on granting tax residents of the Russian Federation the right to pay income tax on profits received abroad, notably, a fixed sum of 5 million rubles without declaring such profits.
Executive government bodies of the regions of the Russian Federation have received instructions to prevent in 2021 and subsequent years a reduction on the 2020 budget in regional budget spending on medical care for children with life-threatening and serious chronic diseases, as well as rare (orphan) illnesses, including the purchase of expensive medications, medical goods and technical rehabilitation equipment.
The Russian Popular Front has been instructed to monitor the implementation of individual items on the list of instructions.