Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation concern funding of projects for comprehensive development of territories and public road system projects, maintaining pace of road construction at least at the levels of 2023, and implementing the third stage of the Eastern Operating Domain railways development.
The Government has also been instructed, in particular, to introduce amendments to legislation to provide for coordination of requirements for architectural and construction design, construction, reconstruction and the operation of capital construction projects, to extend preferential loans from the compensation funds of self-regulatory organisations in the construction sector, as well as long-term loans for the implementation of state programmes to relocate people from dilapidated housing using these funds.
In addition, the Government has been instructed to publish regulatory legal and other acts for architectural and construction design and construction, including high-rises, wooden structures, modern environmentally friendly and energy efficient solutions, as well as to amend legislation to envisage the creation of a mechanism for using escrow accounts for transactions with developers and other organisations engaged in the construction of individual residential houses.
The Ministry of Education has been given a number of instructions in order to fill the shortage of highly qualified personnel in the construction sector.
Senior officials in the Russian regions have been instructed to use standard design plans, whenever possible, for capital construction projects and to use standard designs for any new construction projects that are funded by the federal budget of the Russian Federation.