The Council for State Policy on Promoting the Russian Language and Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, in conjunction with the Government, has been tasked with ensuring the development of draft basic principles of state language policy.
The Council for State Policy on Promoting the Russian Language and Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, in conjunction with the Foreign Ministry, has been instructed to analyse the activities of educational and other organisations established with the support of Russia, whose areas of activity include supporting and promoting the Russian language abroad. Based on the outcomes of the analysis, proposals for organising these activities in light of Russia’s geopolitical interests should be submitted.
The Presidential Executive Office, with the participation of the Union of Writers of Russia, was instructed to consider establishing a creative association of young writers.
Instructions to the Government in conjunction with the Presidential Executive Office concern holding, in 2025, the events dedicated to the 130th birth anniversary of Sergei Yesenin, as well as drafting and submitting to the State Duma of a draft federal law On Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation providing for the creation and maintenance of a national register of the languages spoken by the peoples of the Russian Federation, the systematisation of the status of such languages and the interconnectedness of legislation on the languages of the peoples of Russia and the legislation on the state language of the Russian Federation.
Instructions to the Government, in conjunction with the Council for State Policy on Promoting the Russian Language and Languages of the Peoples of the Russian Federation, concern the creation of a single methodology for teaching the Russian language and literature and a single state set of school textbooks on the Russian language, literature and literary reading.
Instructions to the Government concern, in particular, support measures in the form of scholarships and bonuses for foreign specialists in the field of Russian studies (teachers of the Russian language and Russian literature outside Russia); legal, organisational and financial measures to create proper conditions for teaching Russian to children with migration background and integrating such children into Russian society; introduction of a single admission test on Russian language for foreign citizens entering higher education programmes at Russian education and research organisations; creation of a state information service for foreign applicants and students, including the placement on this platform of information on opportunities and terms for obtaining education in Russia, and on available state support measures; formation of a talent pool of the Russian language teachers around the world (database); providing foreign specialists with additional professional training in specialties such as the Russian language and literature, and provide them with an opportunity to engage in practical studies in Russia.
The instructions to the Ministry of Education concern, in particular, the creation of a single state set of school textbooks to study the state languages of the republics of the Russian Federation, modernisation of school libraries, and professional training and advanced training of teacher librarians.
The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with the executive bodies of the Donetsk People’s Republic, the Lugansk People’s Republic, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions has been instructed to provide, as a matter of priority, the necessary equipment to educational organisations in order to implement basic and secondary general education programmes in the subjects such as Russian Language and Literature. The Ministry of Culture, in conjunction with the executive bodies of the above constituent entities, has been instructed to ensure the creation of cultural and educational centres at public libraries in order to popularise and promote the Russian language.
The instructions issued to a number of ministries in conjunction with various cultural organisations concern the holding of book festivals and book fairs, including the annual All-Russian Children’s Book Week; the renewal of library collections of children’s and school libraries; the holding of field events in foreign countries as part of a special programme of the Great Children’s Festival; and the organisation of annual events at Russian foreign missions dedicated to Slavic Writing and Culture Day and Russian Language Day.
Recommendations were issued to the Znaniye Society in conjunction with the Presidential Executive Office concerning the revival of practice of reading programmes in general education and vocational training organisations, the holding of the youth intellectual game Say It in Russian, and the holding of the Native Toy national contest of designers and manufacturers of domestic games and toys.