The Presidential Executive Office was instructed jointly with the Ministry of Justice, the Human Rights Commissioner and senior officials in the regions to analyse methods to improve the procedure for the establishment of regional pardons commissions.
The Government was instructed to extend until 2024 the implementation of the State Policy Concept to Perpetuate the Memory of Victims of Political Repression, which was approved by a Government Directive of August 15, 2015, as well as to discuss the drafting of a national action plan on human rights.
The Foreign Ministry was instructed jointly with the Justice Ministry, the Interior Ministry and the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights to work out a package of measures to stimulate activities aimed at providing effective legal assistance to compatriots living abroad, including Russian citizens.
Instructions for the Justice Ministry together with the Civic Chamber of Russia stipulate efforts to enhance the efficiency of public monitoring of compliance with human rights standards in places of detention.
Recommendations to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation deal with work to sum up the practice of court hearings of cases of non-compliance with the laws on the freedom of religion, freedom of worship and religious associations.
Instructions for the Federal Penitentiary Service together with the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights concern the improvement of detention conditions for suspected and charged offenders.