In order to ensure further implementation of the state policy on countering extremism in the Russian Federation, the President decided to approve the Strategy for Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation.
Concurrently, Executive Order No. 344 On Approval of the Strategy for Countering Extremism in the Russian Federation until 2025, dated May 29, 2020, is declared to be no longer in force.
The Strategy is the basic strategic planning document, which identifies the goals, objectives and strategic national priorities of the state policy on countering extremism with due account of the challenges and threats facing the Russian Federation, and is aimed at consolidating the efforts of public authorities, civil society institutions (including socially oriented and other non-profit organisations), organisations and individuals to ensure national security, suppressing extremist activities, strengthening civil unity, achieving interethnic and inter-religious accord, preserving the ethnocultural diversity of the Russian Federation, and ensuring zero tolerance of extremist activities and the spread of extremist ideas in society.
The legal framework for the Strategy includes the Constitution of the Russian Federation, generally recognised principles and norms of international law, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, and regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.