Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation concern, in particular, certain aspects of taxation of socially oriented non-profit organisations, exemption from value-added tax on transactions involving transfer of food and other goods to charitable organisations, as well as the procedure for providing medical care to citizens of the Russian Federation of no fixed abode, including in cases where they do not have registration, identity documents, or a mandatory medical insurance policy.
The Government of the Russian Federation, jointly with the interdepartmental working group on education system development, the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights, and the State Duma, were tasked to start a discussion with the professional and parent communities on the advisability of introducing an integrated (average) assessment of schoolchildren’s mastery of the basic programmes of basic general and secondary education, as well as introducing marks for behaviour in general education institutions.
The Government of the Russian Federation, jointly with the interdepartmental working group on education system development, the Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights, and the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy, were instructed to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the system of general and extracurricular education for schoolchildren with disabilities and to submit proposals for improving this system.
The Government of the Russian Federation, jointly with the Federal Security Service and the Interior Ministry, were instructed to develop additional measures to block criminal telephone calls made from Ukraine or other unfriendly states, as well as other measures necessary to protect the rights and lawful interests of the Russian Federation citizens from criminal intrusions committed with the help of ICT. They were also instructed to increase the level of identification of telephone numbers used by public authorities and organisations when interacting with citizens, as well as the advisability of displaying information on the subscribers’ device when telephone numbers are used by public authorities and organisations.
The Defence Ministry, jointly with the Interior, Finance, and Healthcare ministries, as well as the Federal Security Service, the Defenders of the Fatherland State Foundation for Support of Participants in the Special Military Operation, and the Committee of the Warriors of the Fatherland Families, were instructed to consider the introduction of mandatory state genomic records of military personnel and civilian personnel sent to carry out tasks of the special military operation, or sent to areas where counterterrorism operations are being conducted.
The Healthcare Ministry was instructed to submit proposals on ways to improve the conditions for innovative foreign-made medicines to be admitted to circulation on the Russian market, and to include representatives of public patient organisations in the Ministry’s commission for the development of lists of drugs for medical use and the minimum range of medicines necessary for the provision of medical care.
The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media was instructed to submit proposals on ways to adapt Russian software and Russian information resources to be used by persons with disabilities.
The Ministry of Culture, jointly with the Defence Ministry, was instructed to create a permanent exhibit dedicated to the special military operation, as well as a venue to hold respective events, at the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.
The fund in charge of presidential grants for the development of civil society was instructed to create a mechanism to increase the transparency of the use of funds raised by non-profit organisations to carry out activities on the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, including the development of methodological recommendations on information openness and public reporting of these organisations, and the development of a system of voluntary commitments for them to implement these recommendations.