The video conference aimed to analyse regional experience and detect weak points and imperfections in the law enforcement practice on the forced removal of children from families. In this regard, regions establish working groups headed by local commissioners for children’s rights and including representatives of executive authorities, regional civil chambers, heads of public and non-profit organisations working with families and children, and parents.
According to the commissioners, the main problem with the removal of a child from the family is the flawed legislation, which lets authorities be guided by subjective factors. Social services should carry out rehabilitation work with parents, so that they have the opportunity to regain custody of the child. It is necessary to create a methodological foundation for specialists who assist children and families in difficult life situations and draw the social services’ attention to the need for assisting foster families.
The conference participants addressed current problems, in particular, the lack of a clear definition of the concept of danger and imminent threat to the life and health of a child in the family, and the divergence of statistical data of various relevant agencies.