President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,
I am pleased to welcome you all at the summit marking the 10th anniversary of the Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union.
We have agreed that this anniversary summit will be held in Moscow. This is an essential legal instrument – I mean the Treaty – which the entire Eurasian integration process is being built on.
As a key task, it envisages the creation of a single market within the EAEU with the free flow of goods, services, capital, and labour. These were the main points advanced, along with equality, mutual benefit, respect for and consideration of each other’s interests enshrined as the main principles of integration cooperation.
We note with satisfaction that over the past decade our association has established itself as an independent and self-sufficient centre of the emerging multipolar world.
Today, the Eurasian Union is an effective and dynamic integration structure whose activities contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges, intensification of business contacts, and expansion of cooperation ties, which ultimately brings real benefits to each association member.
Just now, before entering this room, my colleagues and I talked about it and stated that our economic development indicators are very good.
In actual practice, it helps ensure stable and sustainable development both of the five member countries and the Eurasian region as a whole, and results in improving the quality of life and well-being of our people.
The economic indicators speak for themselves: according to available estimates, over the ten years the total GDP of the Eurasian Union countries went from US$1.6 to US$2.5 trillion. Trade with third countries increased by 60 percent, from US$579 to US$923 billion, and the volume of mutual trade almost doubled: from US$45 to US$89 billion, with over 90 percent of settlements already made in national currencies. It is noteworthy that positive macroeconomic dynamics continue this year. This is exactly what we were talking about with my colleagues before entering the room.
Let me stress that Russia highly values mutually beneficial multifaceted ties with its EAEU partners, and sincerely aims to further work towards comprehensive development and strengthening of our integration association. I am confident that all the colleagues present here share this commitment.
It is important that today’s summit will not just be an anniversary summit, but also a working, truly business-like meeting. We will examine the latest package of decisions prepared for our approval which are of strategic nature and aim to deepen our cooperation in most diverse areas.
As we agreed with Mr Pashinyan, I am pleased to give the floor to the Prime Minister of Armenia, who, as the current Chairman of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, will chair our meeting.
Mr Pashinyan, please.

Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan: Thank you very much, Mr President.
Members of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council, colleagues,
Welcome to this year’s first meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council. First of all, I would like to thank the Russian side for the warm welcome and excellent organisation of the event.
Colleagues, let us get down to discussing the items on the agenda and thank the media representatives for their work.
Thank you very much.