The main speakers: Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights Boris Titov and Chairman of the Board of the Centre for Strategic Research Alexei Kudrin presented their expert proposals on ensuring the stable development and technological modernisation of the national economy.
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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues.
As you may know, last week the Government presented a comprehensive programme of action until 2025, which is aimed at matching and exceeding global economic growth rates no later than 2019–2020. This is certainly a key document for the long-term strategy of Russia’s economic development.
We know that expert groups and representatives of the business community are working on these tasks, drafting of this strategy, as well as proposals and initiatives aimed at reaching the same goals.
It goes without saying that after a thorough and deep analysis of these proposals we need to determine what we will do next: either adopt some proposal as a whole because as a rule they are complete, or after in-depth analysis and additional consultations or some new ideas we will decide that we should link certain things, unite and supplement them and after another serious analysis make a final decision on what road to follow, what initiatives to carry out and on what scale.
I would like to emphasise the main point once again: the plans for national economic development must be clear and realistic, address current and future challenges in the best way possible and reflect the interests of the people and the consensus views of the state, business community and civil society institutions.
It is important to focus our efforts on improving the business climate and making the national economy more competitive, increasing labour productivity and the return on major investment projects, developing small and medium-range businesses, building up non-energy exports and creating new sources of growth in the regions.
Today we will consider expert proposals on ensuring the stable development and technological modernisation of the national economy and discuss whether they are competitive and practical.
Let us start the discussion.