President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening, friends,
We have an excellent tradition of meeting in the Kremlin on the eve of the New Year.
Such receptions are considered official events; however, I hope you are in a festive mood. I would like to extend to you my greetings on the New Year!
The events of 2013 have not become history yet and it is still difficult to take a detached view. However, we need to analyse what we have managed to get done, what we have not and why, make plans for the future to make sure we move forward with confidence, multiplying our achievements.
We all had our share of worries this year. We had plenty of problems and difficulties. However, what is important is that everyone made great efforts to overcome the obstacles and to find solutions. This attitude to life and work is becoming a standard for the entire Russian society.
We have achieved a great deal this year. As I said, we have also encountered problems. One of them was the major flood in the Far East. In such cases, stock is always taken of how people work, how the nation reacts. We can say with satisfaction that the nation joined forces in the face of this tragedy as never before. This is worth a lot. People have demonstrated their best qualities, both professional – those who were directly involved in relief efforts – and moral in the case of the hundreds of thousands, even millions of our compatriots who gave every assistance to those who were affected.
I am sure that this will always be the case, in any trial, in any twist history may make. It has always been so and it will always be so, because Russia stands united both in joy and in times of trial.
I would like to sincerely thank you for your professionalism and dedication, for your aspiration to make life better. Each of you has been successful in your work: in government service, in business, in art, in the military sphere, in politics and in social services.
I wish you to keep the standards just as high in the future.
We still have a lot to do. I am confident that we will achieve all the goals we have set ourselves, all the tasks we have undertaken. It is our duty to achieve them and we will.
From the bottom of my heart, I would like to wish you love, happiness, health and prosperity in the coming New Year.
Allow me to raise a toast to peace and accord in Russia! To success in all our endeavours! To Russia!
Happy New Year!