Anatoly Perminov talked about how the global navigation system GLONASS will enter into service. The head of the Russian Federal Space Agency reported that the navigation system will work at its full capacity in 2007, and for this it is necessary to launch an additional 18 satellites. The order to make GLONASS operational by 2007 was given by Vladimir Putin when he visited the Baikonur Space Launch Centre in June.
The head of the Russian Federal Space Agency said that the government allocated additional funds for programmes to maintain the material and technical base of the International Space Station and to create the GLONASS system. In October the government also approved the federal space programme for 2006–2015 and examined the project to create an industrial base to develop new strategic missile systems.
The head of the Russian Federal Space Agency expressed confidence that the federal programme to develop the Russian Space Launch Centres will be approved in the near future.
Anatoly Perminov said that since the President visited the Baikonur Space Launch Centre, five nationally-produced satellites have been launched, as well as twelve satellites within international programmes. According to the head of the Space Agency, today the Russian orbital system contains 38 vehicles whose purposes are social, economic and scientific.