Ms Kuznetsova and Ms Matviyenko discussed current issues of the state policy on the family, motherhood and childhood and the guidelines for their cooperation in the near term. Valentina Matviyenko pointed out the growing importance of the post of children’s rights commissioner.
Ms Matviyenko also said that the draft law on the children’s rights commissioner has been completed and is ready to be submitted for discussion to regional commissioners. She also said that a draft law on children’s holidays would amend several federal laws with provisions on children’s safety during their holidays, the licensing of companies that organise children’s holidays, the keeping of a federal register of companies working in this area, security issues and personnel training. This draft law will be submitted to the State Duma soon.
Ms Kuznetsova and Ms Matviyenko also discussed the performance of the Presidential Coordination Council for Implementing the 2012–2017 National Children’s Strategy.