President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,
Today, I propose that we discuss a few economic issues.
Several meetings to discuss the budget process have taken place recently. There were meetings with business representatives and investors at the Russia Calling forum and Delovaya Rossiya convention.
Many issues were raised by entrepreneurs, and specific proposals to improve the business climate were made. I would like the Government to carefully study and work through all of these initiatives and the issues raised during this discussion.
Notably, the current indicators show that the domestic economy is gradually overcoming stagnation. We can see it, and this is objective data. There are positive trends in a number of sectors and industries. The challenge now is to ensure there is a transition to sustainable growth and to stimulate entrepreneurial activity.
In this regard, I propose taking stock of our measures to support the economy. Of course, it is important to do everything to improve efficiency taking into account the situation on foreign markets, as well as objective budgetary constraints, which we have discussed at length lately.
I very much hope that the Government will soon finish this work. Mr Medvedev and I agreed to meet soon and discuss the benchmarks which we will come up with as a result of this work.
Let's get to work.