President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrade officers,
I congratulate you on your professional holiday, Special Operations Forces’ Day.
First of all, I would like to thank you for your excellent service and for confidently and clearly fulfilling the most difficult military tasks, for the reliability and firmness you showed in protecting Russia and its national interests as well as the safety of the country and its people.
In the year when we will mark the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory, I convey special words of gratitude and honour the veterans of the Special Operations Forces, those who stood at the origins of the glorious traditions of the legendary special forces.
Entire generations of true warriors who fought against enemies in Afghanistan and acted bravely during the counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus and Syria grew up on your example. We will always remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives for Russia and Russians.
The best, most well-trained and courageous fighters, soldiers and officers now honourably serve in the Special Operations Forces. We will continue to focus on building up their full-time personnel and providing equipment as well as increasing their military potential. Amid new and nonstandard challenges and threats, this is a priority in the development of our Armed Forces.
I am confident that you, the Special Operations Forces commanders and fighters, will always act decisively and skilfully, during strategic and tactical exercises, in a real military operation follow orders impeccably, and manage to fulfil the most difficult task as best as you can and as you have proven it in action many times.
I wish you success in your service, and I wish your families and friends happiness and prosperity.