President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Comrades,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on Prosecutor’s Office Workers Day and to wish professional success to prosecutors and the staff of the prosecution authorities.
Of course, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to the service’s veterans, who worked at the prosecutor’s office efficiently and very productively for many years, making a major contribution to strengthening law and order.
For more than 300 years since the establishment of the office, our prosecutors have convincingly demonstrated their significant contribution and their special role in serving the law and the Fatherland.
Today, the prosecutor’s office is one of the main institutions of state authority. Your activities are traditionally connected with protecting civil rights and freedoms and with supervising compliance with federal and regional laws.
You are taking part in court trials on behalf of the state, combatting corruption and crime and promoting the development of Russia as a sovereign and democratic state.
The prosecutors’ work is always in the public eye. Your every decision, such as recommendations and protests, notices and verification materials, signify the restoration of rights and people’s belief in the priority of the law and justice, which is extremely important.
This year again, our citizens expect you to act energetically and proactively. As usual, your priorities include exposing and rectifying violations of people’s social and labour rights and monitoring strict compliance with the legal rights, payments and benefits of participants in the special military operation and their families.
Of course, I would like to mention such a key area of your activities as protection of national defence and security interests, assistance in achieving the goals of the special military operation and ensuring the strict and timely implementation of the state defence order.
It is also necessary to build up efforts against crime and extremism, corruption and misuse of budgetary funds. In the context of the anti-Russia sanctions and anti-crisis measures, particular attention should be paid to supervising compliance with economic laws.
I would also like to highlight certain areas of your work such as supervision of the implementation of national projects and social programmes and compliance with the law during the upcoming presidential election.
Our society and the state set a high value on your work and expect you to continue to fulfil your duties properly and in accordance with your principles and to serve the people honestly and scrupulously.
I would like to wish you, the management and current and former staff of the prosecutor’s office, wellbeing, health and success in your activities.