Mr Tuleyev updated the President on implementation of a number of instructions given during Mr Putin’s visit to Kemerovo Region in January 2012. In particular, Mr Tuleyev reported on the start of operations at the Pervomaisky coal mine, which has design capacity of 15 million tons of coal per year, and the launch of two coal processing plants, with a third scheduled to start work in December.
Mr Tuleyev also reported on the start of operations at the first unit at the Yaisk Oil Refinery, the opening of the BelAZ car assembly plant, and joint plans between Russian Railways and Yevraz Group to produce rails for high-speed trains.
At Mr Putin’s request, the Governor also spoke about the measures the region is taking to relocate people from unfit housing. Mr Tuleyev said that the region received 1.2 billion rubles for this purpose in 2012, with around 40,000 families relocated so far under the programme.