Economic Development and Trade Minister German Gref reported on the indicators of social and economic development over the first four months of 2006 and on the results of the budgetary commission’s session.
Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov talked about the merger of the European steel company Arcelor and Russia’s Severstal.
Finance Minister Aleksei Kudrin reported on implementing the budget in the first quarter.
Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zurabov reported on organizing activities for children in the run-up to school vacation.
First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitrii Medvedev reported on implementing the priority national projects.
Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov reported on the forthcoming session of the government’s Military Industrial Commission that will examine the state weapons programme for the next nine years. He also reported on the results of the government’s interdepartamental commission on export controls.
Vladimir Putin asked the government to prepare the necessary materials for implementing key provisions of the Address to the Federal Assembly for the Security Council session.