At a meeting in the Kremlin with the heads of parliament of states member of the SCO Vladimir Putin expressed his conviction that coordinated work by legislative organs to provide a legal base for cooperation within the organization, including harmonizing national legislations and speeding up ratification procedures, will result in the SCO being more effective. It will enable the organization to use its full potential as a unique platform for a respectful, constructive dialogue between cultures and civilizations.
Despite various attempts to compete with the SCO, Vladimir Putin considers that it is not necessary for its members to compete with anyone, and that they should continue to engage in positive constructive work just as they have done in previous years.
We must make all necessary efforts to ensure that the SCO can develop as the effective guarantor of stability and security in Eurasia. To do so it is necessary to improve work done within the organization, including establish an interparliamentary dialogue and attain practical results that strengthen consolidation within the SCO, the Russian head of state declared.