Dmitry Kozak briefed Vladimir Putin on the socio-economic situation in the region. There are signs of a breakthrough in the District's economic development, he said. Industrial production grew by 7.9% in the first seven months of 2006. The District is consistently working to attract investment and preparing for a forthcoming economic forum where North Caucasian republics will present over 60 commercial investment projects.
Some important steps to improve the security situation are made, Mr Kozak reported. Recently, the District hosted two important meetings attended by the heads of North Caucasian republics and local law-enforcement bodies where the participants analyzed the current situation and outlined plans to improve law-enforcement activities. In the last two years, the number of terrorist attacks in the District fell threefold, Kozak said, while the local crime rate is 40% lower than the Russian average.
The District's leaders intend to continue persistent efforts in this sphere, he added.