The congratulatory message reads, in part:
“An established leader and renowned mathematician, you have been the rector of the Lomonosov Moscow State University for many years. Being the head of such a prestigious university requires not only a great deal of organisational effort, but also, priority attention to introducing innovative teaching methods, improving the quality of higher education and, of course, promoting the role of university science in modern times. This approach allows university graduates to be competitive on the job market and to be successful in various professional fields.
You successfully combine scientific, educational, and social activity. As Vice President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and President of the Russian Rectors’ Union, you do a great deal to keep up the best traditions of the Russian science and education, and to foster contacts with foreign universities. Colleagues, friends, and numerous students value your competence and rich experience, as well as your traditional habitudes of kindness and advertency towards others.”
By order of the president, Victor Sadovnichy was awarded the Order for Services to the Fatherland, IV degree.