Measures of state support for Russian business amid the financial crisis were the subject of discussion. These included support of strategic enterprises, especially in single-industry cities, and credits to enterprises in the real sector of the economy, namely the automobile industry and agriculture.
Noting that the diversification of the Russian economy is a major challenge for the government at the present time, the President stressed the need to develop manufacturing, high-tech industries, and the provision of high-tech services. He also noted the role of business in creating an economy based on innovation.
Mr Medvedev recalled that a law recently came into force banning unscheduled inspection of small and medium-sized businesses, expanding opportunities for government contract work, and providing other means of support for entrepreneurship.
Earlier on Mr Medvedev congratulated Russian businessmen on the Day of Russian entrepreneurship and sent greetings to participants and guests at the National Forum of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses that recently opened in Krasnodar.