The message reads, in part:
“I would like to note that the prevention and resolution of conflicts in labour relations is a complicated and highly topical task that requires special professional knowledge and skills. It is therefore important that St Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences, affiliated with trade unions, has established and successfully runs a conflictology department.
Its main mission is to train skilled specialists, to conduct research projects and to chart modern approaches towards resolving social and labour disagreements.
Of course, the University also plays an important role in organising your conference, which traditionally brings together representatives of government agencies, the trade union movement, the expert and teaching communities and business circles.
I am confident that the current meeting will be up to the mark, and that it will help resolve pressing issues linked with the harmonisation of labour relations, the consolidation of social partnership in Russia and will help streamline legislation in this sphere, with due consideration for the best national and foreign experience.”