President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Dear friends,
With great sincerity, I extend greetings to all Orthodox Christians on the day of Christ’s Resurrection, the great holiday of Easter.
I know that members of all religious denominations and followers of all traditional religions in Russia will join me in these greetings.
This year celebrations are being held under mandated restrictions. They are necessary to fight the spread of the coronavirus infection, a disease that is by now known throughout the world.
By joining efforts, together we are overcoming challenges as they emerge. And as I have repeatedly said, we have everything we need for this – a healthy and strong economy, scientific capabilities, the necessary material base and highly professional healthcare.
See also
We are carefully monitoring the experience of foreign countries and are engaged in active cooperation with our foreign friends and colleagues. We are aware of what is going on and see the risks, and we know what needs to be done under any circumstance we might face. We are doing what is required, and in a pre-emptive manner.
True, all these steps to protect people’s lives and health and support the economy require vast additional resources and funds. We have them. And we are making use of them – thriftily, and selectively and with the main priority of helping people and families who have found themselves in a difficult situation.
Authorities on all levels are functioning in a streamlined, orderly manner and recognize the responsibility before them. The situation is under total control. Our society as a whole becomes united when confronted with a common threat.
I would like to again thank those who responded to the call of their hearts and lent a helping hand to their neighbours, to those who need it most. Thank you to all of you again. There is no doubt that we will overcome all the trials we are facing.
And today’s spiritual and joyous event and centuries-long Easter traditions will also provide the support each of us needs, while also strengthening our hope and faith. Because Easter and the Resurrection of Christ are tokens of the triumph of life over all its adversaries. It is a symbol of purification, revival and the continuity of life.
As the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves That is what we do. But on this brilliant holiday of Christ’s
Resurrection I feel the need to say – With God’s help, everything will be fine.
Happy Easter. Be happy and healthy.