The message reads, in part:
“The anniversary of the oldest oncology centre in Russia and Europe is not only an event of significance to its team; it is a major and important milestone for the entire national healthcare system.
The Institute’s founders included prominent researchers, public figures, entrepreneurs and philanthropists who were mindful of the exceptional importance of shaping and promoting priority areas of medical science in our country. Through their selfless work, they established the traditions of honest and selfless service to their calling, to their people, and the Fatherland.
Since its inception, many generations of talented physicians, nurses and other specialists have made an invaluable contribution to organising medical care, developing truly unique methods for diagnosing cancer and other diseases, treating and rehabilitating patients, and saving the health and lives of thousands of people.
It is gratifying that today’s team at the institute is so respectful of their predecessors’ rich legacy. I know that a monument to one of the founding fathers of Russian oncology, the outstanding surgeon Pyotr Herzen, will be unveiled today, and it was your initiative.
The institute’s noble mission, your multifaceted and much-needed work, your unwavering commitment to the noble principles of mercy and selflessness, your empathy and unfailing readiness to help deserve profound and sincere recognition.”