The President’s message reads, in part:
“Two hundred and fifteen years ago, our nation established a unified state agency for transport management and the first educational institution specialised in transport. Since then, we have traversed a long and eventful journey, and everyone who has contributed to the design, construction, and operation of transportation networks and the improvement of transport infrastructure can be rightfully proud of this journey.
I would like to emphasise that the smooth functioning of all components of the transportation system is crucial for strengthening our sovereignty, the national economy, and the social sphere. It directly impacts the development of interregional and international relations, and significantly influences the quality of life for millions of people.
Today, you face serious and pressing challenges. The most important tasks include the large-scale modernisation of the transportation complex, the construction of major logistics hubs and corridors, the implementation of technologies that meet modern safety and environmental standards, and the training of qualified personnel.
I am confident that you will carefully address these and other important issues at the traditional Transport of Russia forum and fair.”