At the beginning of the meeting, Sergei Sitnikov gave the President a collection of verses written by participants in the special military operation from the Kostroma Region. He noted that the 331st and 1,065th Kostroma regiments were currently deployed in the special military operation zone. He also thanked the President for bestowing the Order of Kutuzov on the 331st Guards Assault Regiment.
According to the Governor, high-priority objectives are linked to logistics support for the special military operation. The region is providing substantial assistance to three regiments it patronises. Apart from the two regiments mentioned, this includes the newly-established 348th regiment. Today, authorities assist over 8,000 families of participants in the special military operation. In addition to traditional support measures, the region’s authorities provide these families with land plots.
Sergei Sitnikov discussed assistance for a district in the Lugansk Region, which is also patronised by the region, and efforts to organise its healthcare system and maintain the district’s housing and utility infrastructure.
According to the Governor, the share of medical personnel in the Kostroma Region’s healthcare system has increased from 76 percent to 85 percent over a period of five years. Currently, 700 people are being trained. The region is addressing the issue of providing housing for doctors. Ten years ago, regional authorities began to focus on the development of high-tech medical treatment, and this had major significance for attracting human resources At present, 23 high-tech treatment methods are available. At the same time, Sergei Sitnikov asked the President to support construction of a modern maternity hospital, especially as the region is posting impressive birth rates.
The President and the Governor also discussed education, employment, household incomes and the results of implementing the Social Contract programme, particularly in rural areas, where people are increasingly engaging in small-scale production.
Sergei Sitnikov reported an inflow of 185 billion rubles in investments in 2020–2024. The region has two major investors. One is Inter RAO, which is upgrading a major thermal power plant near Kostroma. The project is expected to significantly reduce electricity costs in the region. The other investor is Segezha Group, which has built and put into operation a large facility for the manufacturing of wide plywood sheets in Galich in two years. Despite difficulties with exports, the company continues its operations, finding ways to market its products. The new plant is expected to reach its design capacity by the end of this year.
The discussion also touched upon regional infrastructure. Over the last six years, more than 1,200 kilometres of regional and municipal roads have been brought up to standard. However, as the Governor noted, the lack of a bypass road around the city unfortunately continues to be a problem. The situation is as follows. Three federal motorways converge in downtown Kostroma, linked by a bridge built in 1970, which means 17,000 heavy trucks cross the city centre daily. Sergei Sitnikov asked for the President’s support in addressing this issue.
The Governor recalled that five years ago, the President brought to his attention the outdated agricultural machinery in the region and reported that the issue has been addressed, which doubled labour productivity in local agriculture. The crop area is being expanded every year, even though Kostroma does not lie within Russia’s Black Earth Belt. Last year, the region produced one billion eggs for the first time in its history and today supplies this product to neighbouring regions as well.
Sergei Sitnikov brought up another issue in his conversation with the President. In 2030, the Ipatiev Monastery will mark its 700th anniversary. He quoted Vladimir Putin’s statement from March 2005: “The revival of Russia will begin with the revival of the Ipatiev Monastery.” The Governor emphasised that the monastery is not just a tourist attraction, but a spiritual landmark and place of power, and asked the President for support in celebrating this event, echoing a similar appeal made by the Patriarch.
Vladimir Putin agreed that it would be a milestone event, marking 700 years of the monastery, and that support should be provided.
At the end of the meeting, Sergei Sitnikov pointed out that, although the region has made certain achievements and attained positive outcomes, there are still many issues to address. He reminded the President that his tenure as Governor is expiring this year and asked for his endorsement to run for re-election.
Vladimir Putin noted that the Governor has been making good progress and doing many things well. He wished Sergei Sitnikov continued success while expressing hope that the people in the region will support him.