President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends,
I would like to heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday, Agriculture and Processing Industry Workers’ Day.
The Russian agricultural sector is experiencing exceptional growth. Today it is one of the flagships of our economy. Who would have thought that possible several years ago? And for these successes credit belongs to you first. Your work and its results carry great significance for our country, for each household and family.
Due to your conscientious and tireless work over the past few years, we have reached high crop yields – both grain and other crops – and are maintaining this trend, which is again confirmed by the very good results we are seeing now. You have reached them despite such a difficult and dry summer, in addition to confronting a complicated epidemiological situation.
We are witnessing the same positive trend in animal husbandry, as we watch the volume of meat and dairy products grow each year.
Viniculture, horticulture and the production of organic foods are showing prospects for rapid growth.
The agro-industrial sector, while remaining true to Russia’s best traditions, is actively putting into practice advanced technologies. Its production is competitive both on domestic and foreign markets; in fact, the share of highly-processed products for export is growing.
Agritourism is becoming more popular among Russians, especially families with children. This provides additional impetus and resources for the development of small farms and agricultural enterprises. Small businesses have huge potential and we will wholeheartedly support this important sector and do everything in our power to make it even more successful and rural life more comfortable, innovative and trouble-free.
Thus, as of the beginning of last year, mortgages for rural homebuyers have been offered at annual interest rates as low as 3 percent. Since its launch, over 90,000 families have relocated using, in part, this loan.
This year, an entire range of major projects aimed at improving the social sphere and the wellbeing of our citizens was launched. They relate to the modernisation of primary healthcare services and a comprehensive programme to overhaul school buildings, as well as connect houses and facilities to the natural gas network. All of these programmes are focused on rural areas, small towns, and villages.
The creation of decent and attractive living conditions in rural areas is one of the key priorities of state policy.
Russia and her people are proud of the achievements that all our agriculture and processing industry workers have accomplished. Thank you very much for your honest work, your reliability and your devotion.
Congratulations on your holiday! I wish you and your families health and wellbeing, and all the best.