President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, Mr Zaitsev.
Yury Zaitsev: Good afternoon, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Mr Zaitsev, I have looked at the documents about your professional experience. You are from the Moscow Region, and you have a good education, serious education, and a long work record.
Of course, your current post as head of the Government of Kalmykia is a high position that implies many responsibilities. You also know the republic where you will now be appointed to work.
Mr Zaitsev, I would like you to tell me, after you have considered the situation in Mari El, what you consider to be the most important issues and which of them should be given priority attention.
Go ahead, please.
Yury Zaitsev: Thank you, Mr President.
To date, I have analysed the main parameters of the republic. I have formed a general picture, and I would like to tell you the following about what I plan to do in the region first of all.
The socioeconomic situation is very important: how people live, what they want and what problems they are facing. When I form this vision and translate it into a comprehensive action programme, I will be ready to present it to you, to tell you what I plan to do to improve the region, possibly in person, if I may.
In principle, Kalmykia and Mari El are similar in some respects, notably, the economy, and the difference in their budgets is relatively small. Therefore, I hope to form an understanding of the situation rather quickly.
Vladimir Putin: Good.
Mr Zaitsev, I think it was a slip of the tongue when you said that it is important to know how people live. It is in fact the most important thing.
Yury Zaitsev: Mr President, I fully agree with you on this.
Vladimir Putin: Yes, it is the main issue. When you know how people live, what needs they have and what is lacking in their lives now, you will be able to formulate your development plans based on this knowledge.
I sincerely hope that you will do this quickly and report on this to me.
Yury Zaitsev: I certainly will, Mr President.
Vladimir Putin: Good.
Yury Zaitsev: Thank you very much.