President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends,
Today we are celebrating Heroes of the Fatherland Day, a highly significant day for Russia and for all of us.
This day was established to honour exceptional Russians who performed military and labour feats for the benefit of the Fatherland, displayed great courage, dedication and fortitude, and were awarded the Golden Stars of Heroes and the Orders of Glory and St George.
We hold their great examples of selflessness and devotion to the Fatherland in high regard. They are an integral part of our national history and serve as a striking example of patriotism, providing us with a deep understanding of what it means to love one’s homeland and take responsibility for its future.
Their lives serve as a reliable guide for you, the younger generations of Russian citizens, serving as a guiding principle for your thoughts and actions, inspiring the desire to excel in your studies and in sports, to serve the people, to work for them, and to defend your homeland without seeking personal fame and recognition – just as real heroes do.
You, Young Army members, know this firsthand. Your movement was created in order to unite young people who care about their country, its history and culture, who are always ready to benefit the Fatherland and be part of its destiny. The fact that you are holding your nationwide congress on the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland is symbolic and fitting.
You are an active and purposeful group, providing valuable assistance to volunteers and search teams. You take care of the elderly, support those in need with word and deed, and take part in implementing projects to support the participants in the special military operation who carry on the military traditions of Great Patriotic War and Armed Forces veterans.
I wish you all the best in maintaining the momentum of your work, continuous development and progress. May you find success in all your endeavours.