President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,
The official results of the presidential election were announced today. The election campaign, which was extremely important for our country, society and citizens, has come to a close.
Each candidate had a different approach to addressing specific issues. We will consider all constructive proposals and ideas that resonated with voters in our collective efforts to develop the country.
This election campaign was intense and extremely important. At the end of the day, we were choosing Russia's future direction; we were deciding on our own future and that of our children. The absolute majority of the voters who cast their ballot realised the significance of this event.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone who took part in the voting, regardless of which candidate you voted for. Most importantly, you have shown that you treat your civic duty with respect, value freedom of choice and your vote, and to reiterate, every one of your votes was of great importance.
Thank you for your support. It is more important to me than the formal victory in the elections. It signifies support for the political and economic policies of our country and our overall results, which, of course, should be more extensive, but are nonetheless making Russia stronger and more independent.
A few words about the performance of election commissions at all levels. As always, you acted efficiently and competently, adhering to the principles of transparency and strict compliance with the law. The members of the election commissions in our historical territories showed courage and bravery, serving as an example for voters.
Thank you for your trust. I am committed to meeting your expectations to the best of my ability. I realise that this level of trust increases my responsibility for Russia, for the well-being of our people, and demands even greater dedication and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team.
We will do everything possible to ensure the successful implementation of the ambitious national projects and programmes that I recently outlined in my Address.
The elections have revealed that Russia today is one big, closely-knit family. We are steadfastly following the historical path we have chosen. We have confidence in ourselves, our abilities, and our future.
Thank you.