President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good afternoon, colleagues,
As we agreed, today we will discuss the strategy for the development of Roscosmos State Corporation until 2030.
Let me recall that Roscosmos was established to carry out a comprehensive reform of the missile and space industry and ensure its quality growth.
We must preserve and enhance Russia’s positions in the global space industry and make breakthroughs in space exploration, and offer the market truly innovation technology and in-demand services in the space sphere.
Benchmarks and ways of fulfilling these major tasks must be reflected in the corporation’s development strategy. I will outline just a few key areas.
First, it is necessary to continue developing the orbital group. It is important not only to increase the number of orbital space vehicles of different designations but also to improve their quality and reliability.
Second, it is essential to increase the amount of products and services that we can offer to our customers. Roscosmos should take a more active part in commercial projects, introduce itnnovations on a broader scale, build up the production of science-intensive products and be more dynamic in entering world markets, as we have discussed with you many times in different formats. I would like to note in this context that the efficiency of the company should be judged not only by the implementation of state assignments but also by the scale of its commercial services and their share in Roscosmos’ total revenues.
Third, the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) should yield a bigger return. Substantial budget resources go to its funding. I would like to discuss today how it is going, what has been done in the past decade, what has been licensed and what has found practical application in the economy and, probably, in basic research.
Fourth. It is necessary to pay serious attention to the development of advanced spacecraft and their carrier vehicles. They are required for further space exploration and the implementation of the programme of crewed flights. It is necessary to answer the question: what progress has been made in this area?
Furthermore, today we will determine the dates for launching crewed flights from Vostochny Space Launch Centre and discuss the development of its infrastructure in general.
We reviewed this issue for the last time in the past April when the first vehicle was launched from the new cosmodrome. Today I would ask you to report on this work, what has been done in the past half year and how well the schedules are being kept.
Importantly, it is necessary to speed up already now the second stage of construction and organise work on building the launching pad for Angara heavy rockets and facilities for the pre-flight training of cosmonauts.
Personnel are another key aspect. We must pay primary attention to recruiting capable, well-trained specialists and to create all the necessary conditions for them, to build housing and social infrastructure.
We have also discussed this with you many times. We agreed that it is even necessary to first build social infrastructure, to build a planned city, Tsiolkovsky, for the people who will live and work.
Let’s discuss the entire range of these issues now. Feel free to start, please.