Instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation concern measures aimed at introducing regular revision of general education content, taking into account modern scientific and technological achievements, and changes in student and society needs; creating an information and educational Internet portal, using distance learning (“e-school”) technology; improving state regulation of educational activities; and creating a national system for teachers’ advanced training.
In particular, the Government, together with executive authorities in the Russian regions, has been instructed to create by 2018 conditions for children aged 7–18 to obtain basic knowledge and skills in the art form or sports of their choice; make it possible for students to get a general education simultaneously with vocational training in their chosen profession. Instructions also concern reducing the burden on teachers with regard to providing various types of reports; expanding bandwidth and improving Internet speeds at educational institutions; and implementing effective educational technologies and teaching methods.
Individual recommendations were given to executive authorities in the Russian regions and to the Education and Science Ministry.