The message reads, in part:
“Founded by Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia is rightfully considered one of the country’s leading political forces. Its representatives work fruitfully in both houses of the Federal Assembly, regional and municipal institutions of state authority. They strive to maintain active and open dialogue with the public and aim to collaborate constructively with other political parties and public organisations on key issues of the socioeconomic agenda. The party invariably sets important objectives related to defending Russia’s interests in the world, strengthening partnerships and ties with our friends abroad, and pays attention to supporting the institution of the family, the patriotic education of the younger generation, as well as the development of science, culture and education and enhancing the business climate. Furthermore, I would like to highlight your firm commitment to upholding your political ideals and principles, the values of patriotism, a powerful and integral state, as well as the rights and freedoms of citizens.”