List of accredited journalists
The main activities on the agenda (the starting time indicated is approximate and subject to change):
Entry from 10:30 am to 11:30 am Moscow time:
1:00 pm – CSTO Collective Security Council meeting
1:55 pm – joint photo session
2:00 pm – expanded CSTO Collective Security Council meeting
3:00 pm – probable news conference
Entry from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Moscow time:
4:30 pm – Supreme Eurasian Economic Council meeting
4:55 pm – joint photo session
5:00 pm – Supreme Eurasian Economic Council expanded summit meeting
6:00 pm – statement for the press by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin
6:15 pm – Eurasian Economic Commission Board Chairman V. Khristenko’s press-conference
There will be a live television broadcast of the events at the summit international press centre.
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Information on the host broadcaster:
To obtain the host broadcaster’s video footage and transmit television footage please contact Tatyana Kashintseva (VGTRK) at +7–495–232–98–03.
To request a stand-up position from the Grand Kremlin Palace please contact Tatyana Kashintseva (VGTRK) at +7–495–232–98–03 or Dmitry Kashmanov (VGTRK) at +7–499–257–39–43
For CIS media: To obtain host broadcaster’s video footage and transmit television footage via a mobile satellite communication station please contact Irina Karyakina (cell phone number +7–963–645–25–06). For 24-hour assistance call +7–495–748–13–86.