President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: Mr President,
I am pleased to see you again. We had a good exchange of views today on developing our regional security cooperation. Your firm and resolute words inspired me, I must say. I think that they reflect the seriousness of the situation we face today in regional security. Meetings such as these four-party talks give us the opportunity to have a frank and direct exchange of views on what we think of current developments.
I spoke with President Karzai just before, and he said that he finds these exchanges of views very useful.
We have the chance now to look at our bilateral cooperation and discuss developments in our relations since your visit to the Russian Federation.
President of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari: Thank you, Your Excellency.
Mr President, I must first of all admit that you have been exceptionally kind. My visit to your country was a memorable one. It was memorable for history, it was memorable for us, because the last visit was made by my late father-in-law, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, and after that, I had the honour, and you personally gave me the honor and received me.
We had some interesting dialogue today, but I think there is more room for cooperating. I think yourself and your leadership has evolved. The world has evolved. The old theory of being diplomatic about things is in the past. It is time for plain speaking.
Time is short. Things take a long time to evolve. Nothing can be made. The world has seen and witnessed that you cannot make things. Things have to evolve. Relationships have to evolve. Institutions have to evolve.
I think with your leadership and the forthcoming generation, we too, together, can make a difference to the region, and history will remember us for doing so.