The message reads, in part:
“Unfortunately, due to the difficult epidemiological situation, this conference will be held via remote participation only. But I am certain that it will not prevent the participants from many Russian regions to discuss the urgent tasks facing one of the oldest Russian public associations, outline the prospects for further joint work, and exchange views on a wide range of issues.
It is a pleasure to note that over the past years, the Russian Geographical Society has significantly consolidated its constructive creative potential, implemented an impressive number of diverse, but invariably remarkable and popular projects in research, information, and education. Your exhibitions, films, photography contests, and printed publications telling about our invaluable natural wealth and our unique historical, cultural and spiritual heritage are always interesting and substantive, and rightfully enjoy wide public attention. It is certainly important that every year, you attract an increasing number of people, especially young people, into the scope of your multifaceted work.”