Mr Puchkov briefed the President on the operations following a train accident in Krasnodar Territory, assistance to the passengers and restoring rail traffic.
The Minister also briefed Mr Putin on the Emergencies Ministry’s work over the first half of 2013, preparations for the fire risk season, and the preventive measures taken.
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President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Puchkov, let’s begin by discussing the situation overall – what is currently happening in Siberia, Yakutia and other regions.
“It is still quite hot in certain regions; the hot weather remains, so you must be ready for potential fires in regions where the forecast is not favourable in this respect, and be prepared for other negative effects from such extraordinary natural phenomena.”
Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencies and Natural Disasters Relief Vladimir Puchkov: Mr President of the Russian Federation, please be advised that the Russian Federation is experiencing a stable situation in terms of natural and man-made fire safety.
We are particularly monitoring the situation in Yakutia and Karelia. In Yakutia, the Emergencies Ministry’s aviation group and space monitoring system have also been deployed. We have organised close cooperation with the republic’s Emergencies Commission and have brought the situation under strict control.
We have settled all other emergencies, with one exception: we are currently dealing with the aftermaths of the train accident in Krasnodar Territory.
The railroad catastrophe that occurred yesterday evening has been fully dealt with and rail traffic has been restored. We have provided assistance to everyone who was on that train and 618 individuals have already been transported to their destinations. Of the 15 people who were hospitalised, 12 have already been discharged and are under medical observation. Three people remain hospitalised and are being given the necessary treatment.
Overall, in the first six months of this year, we have carried out all the President of the Russian Federation’s instructions. Regarding the fire risk situation, I can report that in the last six months, we have decreased the number of fires by more than three percent. We are maintaining a downward trend in the number of people dying in fires and in losses from fires.
Technological security is also under our control. We are working together with the regions and vertically integrated companies in implementing new approaches and reducing losses from technological accidents.
Vladimir Putin: It is still quite hot in certain regions; the hot weather remains, so you must be ready for potential fires in regions where the forecast is not favourable in this respect, and be prepared for other negative effects from such extraordinary natural phenomena. I hope you are ready to act immediately.
“Problems have occurred following the adoption of a law last year that transferred this registration function from your ministry to the Transport Ministry. It turned out that the Transport Ministry was not prepared for this work and they do not have the necessary network. This, in turn, resulted in a significant increase in the cost of this service. So we agreed that you will take this work onto yourselves.”
Vladimir Puchkov: We are working in close cooperation with Russia’s regions. A group of over 900,000 people is working under the auspices of the National Centre for Crisis Management, and is using over 120,000 units of equipment. Taking into account the unfolding situation, we are pre-emptively carrying out a set of measures to prevent, warn against and manage risks. The response system is functioning properly in locations where these situations are emerging and we are in immediate cooperation with local authorities and agencies, among others, and resolving all issues of emergency management and relief. At the same time, our priority is to provide assistance to residents who find themselves in emergency areas, and restore social infrastructure and all vital systems.
Vladimir Putin: Very well.
There is another current matter pertaining to the registration of small vessels. Today, I discussed these issues with colleagues. Problems have occurred following the adoption of a law last year that transferred this registration function from your ministry to the Transport Ministry. It turned out that the Transport Ministry was not prepared for this work and they do not have the necessary network. This, in turn, resulted in a significant increase in the cost of this service. So we agreed that you will take this work onto yourselves.
At the same time, the law has already been passed and now it is impossible to make amendments to it since the State Duma is not in session. But we have to help the fishermen. So in order to comply with the law and at the same time to help people, you will have to sign a corresponding paper with the Transport Ministry in order for them to delegate these powers to you and present joint suggestions on implementing amendments to the current legislation.
Vladimir Puchkov: We will sign such a document jointly with the Transport Ministry tomorrow. In addition, I will give instructions and we will open additional inspection stations. We will certainly help fishermen in areas where these problems exist, because the fishing season must start without problems.
Vladimir Putin: The cost [of the registration] should be brought back to the level which existed in your ministry prior to the transfer [of the responsibilities] to the Transport Ministry
Vladimir Puchkov: We will sort out all these issues. I don’t think there may be any problems in this respect.
Vladimir Putin: Very well.