President Putin and the representatives discussed ways to address the current problems of the North. Along with providing the necessary governmental support to the northern territories, the Government must find solutions based on effective market mechanisms that would tap the potential and competitive advantages of the Russian North, the President told the meeting.
What is needed in the North is systematic work to develop the infrastructure, diversify production and introduce new technologies to use natural resources. This policy would create new jobs.
Mr Putin also urged the need to renew the economic and legal principles underlying the traditional economies of the North. For the indigenous peoples it is not just about a mode of production, but the basis of their lifestyle and the preservation of their unique cultures.
To this end it is extremely important to use the potential of regional self-government of the indigenous northern peoples. The new law on local self-government provides a basis for that. Municipal entities are to play an important role in the development of the economy, culture, and the social and community environment in the Russian North, President Putin said.
After the meeting with representatives of Russia’s northern territories, the President answered journalists’ questions.