Mr Medvedev said the new treaty should clearly affirm the basic principles for security and international relations in the Euro-Atlantic area, cement unified approaches to preventing and settling conflicts, provide guarantees for equal security, proclaim the inadmissibility of any one state or organisation claiming exclusive rights to maintaining peace and stability in Europe, and set basic arms control parameters.
Mr Medvedev focused on three areas in his analysis of the current situation in the world: overcoming the economic crisis, the situation in the Caucasus, and convening a conference on security in Europe.
The President said that what is happening today is the acute phase of an ongoing crisis in Euro-Atlantic policy brought about by the uni-polar world. Only by working together is it possible to find a way out of this crisis, he said.
Mr Medvedev shared his ideas on the principles for self-organisation in a fair and multi-polar world and set out proposals for ways out of the global economic crisis.
Speaking about events in the Caucasus, Mr Medvedev noted the European Union’s constructive role in finding a peaceful solution to the crisis and commended the responsible action taken by President of France Nicholas Sarkozy.
The President clearly stated Russia’s position in his speech, highlighting the fact that Russia is open for cooperation, has no interest in confrontation, and wants to act responsibly and pragmatically.
Mr Medvedev called on all who hold dear the world’s future, confident development and peace for its people to take part in honest and unbiased dialogue.