In assessing specific outcomes of the talks, Dmitry Medvedev emphasised that the new strategic arms agreements are a basic element of mutual security. In the document, entitled the Joint Understanding on Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, the presidents outlined new parameters for arms reduction, making commitments to reduce their strategic warheads to a range of 1,500–1,675, and their strategic delivery vehicles to a range of 500–1,100. The President of Russia noted that within this framework, further dialogue will be continued, in order to reach a new agreement.
Joint statements were made regarding missile defence, nuclear cooperation, and Afghanistan. Furthermore, the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission was created to coordinate cooperation between various United States and Russian agencies in all priority areas.
The President of Russia felt that the initial day of talks served as a first but very important step in the process of activating full-scale cooperation between the two countries.