President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Friends,
I am happy to greet you ahead of International Women’s Day and offer heartfelt congratulations on this wonderful spring holiday.
Your forum has brought together the most successful, vibrant, talented and remarkable women from all regions of our vast country at the Russia Exhibition. I want you to know that you are making an immense contribution towards our national development goals. Your participation is invaluable in vital spheres such as healthcare, education, science, culture, business, and state and municipal administration.
And everywhere, in every team, your qualities, such as responsibility, thoughtful consideration of any matter, wisdom, and well-balanced decisions are highly valued. Additionally, I would like to emphasise that 40 percent of Russian leaders are women, and they achieve remarkable results.
You are consistently present in challenging situations, where work is in full swing, and significant social, economic, scientific, humanitarian, and charity projects are underway.
I know that the forum will feature the At the Call of a Woman’s Heart awards ceremony, including honouring those taking part in the special military operation. Hundreds of women are currently on the front lines: doctors, nurses, and military personnel of various professions. Among the winners are women supporting our soldiers – organisers and active participants in volunteer brigades. Thank you for your service, for your persistence and courage, and for your compassion, responsiveness, and generous spirit.
I would also like to note the key role of woman in preserving our traditions and spiritual and moral values, in raising younger generations. After all, it is women who work in schools and kindergartens and occupy leading positions in the education sphere. Women are the main centre of attraction in the family. You create an atmosphere of love, understanding and care.
It is symbolic that your meeting is taking place in the Year of the Family, and the main motto of your forum is Preserving Traditions – Developing Russia. These topics related to strengthening the country, society, our independent worldview, along with an extensive business programme, will be the subject of your deep, interested discussion.
I am confident that the All-Russian Women’s Forum will become an open creative space for exchanging expertise, discussing relevant issues and ways to deal with them, and a launching site for new socially important initiatives.
I wish you fruitful work, good health, family happiness and success in all your endeavours.