President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues,
Welcome to the first International Forum of Ministers of Education.
We are delighted to see the heads of ministries responsible for preschool, general and higher education from various countries, teachers and representatives of reputable scientific organisations, in the hospitable city of Kazan.
You will discuss a wide range of professional issues related to the development of education, exchange experience and advanced technologies and practices in this area.
Man, its knowledge, outlook and craving for the unknown are becoming – have already become – the main driving force of development in the 21st century. Therefore, it is important to ensure equal opportunities for people in all countries to unlock their talent and to receive education. It is essential that all states guarantee its availability and vigorously apply modern standards, which will not only give learners solid knowledge and skills, but also instil the right values in the younger generation – the values that rely on the traditions and culture of their nations.
Russia has a powerful potential in education and strong teaching and scientific schools. Over the past 20 years, Russia has thoroughly modernised its education system. In fact, educational programmes continue to be fine-tuned to incorporate the growing needs of young people, the rapid social, economic and technological changes in the world and certainly the grand new goals of the national development agenda we are striving to attain. This process is ongoing.
All children in Russia have equal access to free and high-quality preschool, general and further education today. The country has an up-to-date system for managing and evaluating the quality of education based on objective data.
We have one of the most effective systems in the world for identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and talents of children and youth, which is convincingly evidenced by international surveys as well as the Russian teams’ brilliant victories at international school Olympiads.
Let me emphasise that Russia is open to the widest possible cooperation in the field of education. We are ready to share our experience in implementing the best practices, including programmes for children with disabilities, as well as to provide assistance to other countries in creating education infrastructure according to Russian standards.
I will add that our country has unique experience in implementing digital and remote learning technologies.
We do a lot to support and develop education in other countries. The number of teachers participating in the Russian Teacher Abroad programme is growing from year to year. Our teachers are currently working at foreign educational institutions as part of the projects under the ongoing Year of Teachers and Mentors in Russia. This work will definitely be expanded in the coming years.
We will certainly continue to support the professional development of teachers and management personnel in education from all friendly countries. Many leading Russian universities have been focusing on this for a long time.
Russia is ready to generously share the national achievements in teaching, which underpin Russia’s scientific and technological development. Such a vibrant and honest exchange of ideas and unusual approaches are very important. At the same time, we deem this totally unacceptable when foreign rules and patterns are imposed, often rudely and unceremoniously, on sovereign states, including in the sphere of education or mentoring.
On the contrary, we support the rights of every people, every nation and every unique civilisation on any continent to preserve their identity, ensure the continuity of generations, and preserve traditional spiritual and moral values.
I hope that during the forum, you will propose and discuss new interesting joint projects, and the recommendations you develop will serve to improve and develop the education sector in your countries.
I wish you fruitful work and all the best.
Thank you.